Friday, May 4, 2007

Hemingway Re-Visisted

The Old Man and the Sea
I had read Hemingway’s big novels (For Whom the Bell Tolls, The Sun Also Rises, et.) in school, but wanted to re-visit some of his novellas. The story of an aged Cuban fisherman and his titanic struggle with a giant marlin, is simply but powerfully told and is an agonizing tale of courage, defeat and triumph.

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To Have and Have Not

After reading this novella, I saw the movie again and two have almost nothing in common. The book is a much sadder or darker piece – “harshly realistic” the book jacket says. Where the Old Man and the Sea captured some of the best aspects of the human spirit, here we see the more complex side. A bit disjointed with some stray storylines that never seem to fit, but overall a worthy read.

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